Monday, February 1, 2016

Love Poems for Valentine's Day (with Audio!)

(Scroll to the bottom for a bonus audio clip!)

I don't want learning, or dignity, or respectability. I want this music, and this dawn, and the warmth of your cheek against mine.”   
~ Rumi

Love Sonnet: XI

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

~Pablo Neruda

No different, really —
a summer moth’s
visible burning
and this body,
transformed by love.

~ Izumi Shikibu

Understand, I’ll slip quietly
away from the noisy crowd
when I see the pale
stars rising, blooming, over the oaks.
I’ll pursue solitary pathways
through the pale twilit meadows,
with only this one dream:
You come too. 

~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Check out these past editions for love poems you may also like:
Love Poems for Valentine's day 2014

Love poems for Valentine's day 2013

And two delicious chocolate recipes for you and your sweetie:
The Ultimate Hot Chocolate

Simple Pleasures: Chocolate Toast

Please feel free to share!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
~ Alyssa

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